Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Spiritual Winter??

I certainly hope your confidence in God will not be shaken because you are going through a difficult time. In winter the roots of the tree plunge deeper into the ground. Likewise, during the winter of the soul you are plunged deeper into humiliation. Remember how confidently Job said, "Although He slay me, yet will I trust Him." Even when you are without comfort, stripped of everything, and feeling yourself as nothing, you can still rejoice in God. Even if the earth has no plants or flowers, God still exists; and because of this you can be happy.

Discovering your weakness and emptiness is evidence of God's love. Although this discovery is humiliating, it is also cause for thanksgiving. God can fill your emptiness with His love and grace. Times of emptiness remind us of our total need of Him. Accept such times with as much joy as if He were giving you bread.


Thursday, November 4, 2010

What Faults??

Those who are living in the natural life have faults, but nothing is being done to change them. Those who are being transformed by God have faults --faults that are like writing in the sand during a windstorm! The wind blows them away as soon as they appear. This Is how God, in His wisdom, works with those who are in union with Him. Isn't this a simple truth? It is so simple that the world does not understand it! -Jeanne Guyon

-Blessings to you reader!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

God's Work in the Believer by Jeanne Guyon

     What God is after is this: that you are always ready to yield your will to Him in a childlike way. By nature you are proud of your ability to reason, but God will often lead you in a way that is opposite to human philosophy. You must, therefore, become as a child with regard to your will.
     What we call the "death of the will" is the passing of your will into His will. It is that simple. Your will must change, not only as it controls your external actions, but also as it relates to your innermost desires. Many believers who begin to follow Christ stop short at this point. They cannot submit to this inward crucifixion which cripples the entire, carnal nature.
     When the self is left undealt with in the life of the believer, you can readily see how a religious monster is produced. It is possible for you to disdain worldliness but still be full of self. You may not practice what people consider to be obvious vices; but inside, the essential self-nature is still very much alive. God accomplishes His will in your life by an authority that is gentle and effective if you fully surrender yourself to Him. As you agree to His work within you, you will experience the sweet, sustaining sense of His hand. God does not force you to agree with Him. Rather, He makes it so that you are able to follow Him happily, even across dangerous cliffs. Your Lord is good, and so is the way He deals with you. When you see this, you will want to run quickly after Him wherever He goes.
     Be willing to give up everything to Him. This is vital to your progress. And remember, even this willingness is God's work in you. Happy are the people who yield to His discipline. -JG

Blessings to you, reader!